BridgeWay longs to bridge the gap through holistic education to bring together: language, culture and teaching. We work hard to lead our students in a disciplined way to explore and discover knowledge, truth, and character.
BridgeWay North American School was birthed out of the efforts of various Christian organizations: the Christian & Missionary Alliance of Canada, United World Mission, and TeachBeyond. The goal was to launch a culturally integrated international school to prepare students to enter universities in Mexico, USA, and Canada. BridgeWay opened in August 2017.
2012 was the launch of The Coyoacan Project (TCP) that sought to start an international school in Coyoacan. In spring 2015 TeachBeyond Mexico was legally incorporated to prepare for eventual launch of the school. In August 2017 first day of classes commenced with 55 students. The Coronavirus epidemic forced in-person classes to be discontinued in March 2020 and classes were only offered virtually. We returned to physical in-person classes in August 2021. The Board of directors has approved a resolution that as from August 2022 BridgeWay will commence with adding Junior High, consisting of 7th through 9th grades.
BridgeWay loves and equips students by providing a values-based bilingual education taught primarily by Canadian, American, and Mexican teachers in preparation for Mexican, American, and Canadian universities.

BridgeWay exists to transform Mexico City and beyond, educating the next generation.
BridgeWay North American School emphasizes the character development of every student through a focus on values. We seek to influence every area of a child’s growth: emotional, physical, intellectual and social. The international ethos of the school fosters a spirit of cooperation and an appreciation for all nations. The development of cultural awareness promotes a respect for people of other cultures as well as healthy self-understanding. BridgeWay North American School strives to support the foundational work of character development in the home through providing excellent teachers that are strong role models at school.